I think every once in a blue moon it is helpful for me to explain the title of my blog.
...as we live in the kingdom that is here, but not yet fully here, we're surround by noise. The noise of sound, light, images, voices, icons, tvs, radios, computers, ipods, and more...noise in my life, which can clutter the voice of God. The voice I long to hear and follow. So here I am, escaping the noise, and entering into the place of stillness and expression to be a display of his splendor in word and action (and photo). I know it seems ironic that I would enter cyperspace (a place of noise) to do this, but this is the leverage I have been given, and I want to use it for the glory of the gospel. ~ join me
interesting here is what I wrote in November... (in retrospect, I might not use the word "magical")
...I chose this [title] after watching a documentary on monasticism. It was powerful for both Zach and me. I was reminded of how inundated we are with noise on a daily basis and how hard it is for us to just sit silently and soak up the tunes of life around us. Our senses are becoming desensitized to the wonders (color, sounds, feelings and smells) of our world. So much can happen internally if we were just to sit, silently and be with our self, our thoughts, our dreams and fears - AND the world right in front of us. I fear what will come of our generation and the next due to the ever increasing influence of internet and technology. Our generation gets bored all too easily. Oh my. Please join me by stepping out of the noise and back to relationship with the living world that surrounds us. It truly is a magical place. I leave you with those thoughts for now. Funny how I am on the internet as I write these thoughts.
~ oh, the paradox