Until I learn the ins and outs on this site, I'll try to manage two and eventually make my way over to blogger. Actually back to blogger.

Z and I just made a failed attempt at celebrating two years of a united life in marriage. We set out for a fun Italian restaurant in Raleigh and never made it. Literately all dressed up and no where to go.We finally surrendered to the rabbit trail that google maps sent us on and returned home with Bojangles in hand. For all you west coast folks Bojangles is like the KFC of the south with super sweet tea. Sad, I know - but it was fun. We then cozied up on our cold oak floors to watch the VHS of our wedding day.
Note to self, impossible to cozy up on wood floors - invest in area rug.
In two years the values that stick out to me most are (not that we've got it sorted):
- Go to bed together.
- Serve freely.
- Take time to play.
- Learn to pray together more often, it breaks down your pride.
- Turn off the TV, internet and phone.
- Invest in friendships outside of your marriage.
- Tend to the friendship of your marriage like you would any other friend.
- Watch your wedding video every anniversary and remember the vows you made and the word you received.
- Reflect on your life together.
Here we are all dressed up and no where to go...
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