August 6, 2009

thrifty eaters.

So, I did it. I made Kimberly's pretzels. They make for a fun snack. My first attempt was far better than my later. Yummy, they are, yet filled with carbohydrates. Zach recently saw a nutritionist and she said he needs more protein in his diet. Oops! In my "busyness" and in light of our budget, I confess I've been more of a pasta mama this past month. This hasn't helped my chubby cheeks either! Thus, I headed to Costco and bought some chicken for $1.99/lbs. A waste of packaging, but the right price. Ouch! It's our goal to live on $275 a month for food. I'll let you know how we do. If you have any thrifty protein-fused-meals, send them my way - we do lentils! I may hold off on another round of pretzels! ~ protein bound


Anonymous said...

an interesting link in my search for your protein rich dinner ideas....beans, beans, beans.


Amy Grabow said...

I would be very interested to hear if you are able to live off of 275 a month for food. I feel like we spend so much money on groceries (granted, we don't eat out much). I think I have a few recipes I'll send your way. Oh, and I have found that Costco really helps since things are much cheaper per ounce but yes, wasteful packaging. Good luck!

jill. said...

i'll let you know how it goes, far so good. but keep in mind we're just feeding two, not a little one yet. we should talk...i know that planning my meals for the week, then going shopping saves TONS! hey, feel free to follow my blog... :)


Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. ~ mlk