August 29, 2009

images from the field.

After Zach's placement in Mebane this summer the New Creations Arts Team at Duke Divinity sent an email asking for photos from fieldwork. Either they chose all of them because they had few entries or they actually chose a few. Regardless, my photo was one of them.  You've seen this photo before as I've previously posted it. For the entry I've titled it: Liberating. With the caption of: It is in the place of trust that we are free. For the Duke people out there and those who are familiar, it is part of the "Images from the Field" exhibit on the walls of  the 0 Westbrook hallway and the student lounge. Personally, I don't even know where this is.  ~enjoy. 

August 25, 2009

who knew.

In 1997, the City of Durham passed an ordinance making it unlawful

to place the following items in your household trash:

Aluminum Cans

Steel Cans

Glass Bottles and Jars

Plastic Bottles (2009 state law)


Corrugated Cardboard


knock on our door.

Taken in the Mission District of San Francisco

This is a repost. I've decided to put this back up, but know that it is simply me living in tension. I'm not professing, declaring or asserting anything other than the fact that I'm learning how to live generously with wisdom. Note doing this is costly at times, but this is a price Zach and I are willing to pay.

As many of you know Zach and I relocated to North Carolina a year ago. Have you ever tried to tell a realtor that you DON'T want to live in the nicest area, and actually prefer to live in the areas that most people avoid. Well, God led us to this house, not her. Ask me about it another day. That said, we actually thought we ended up in a "nicer" area per the reports of the previous owners. However, since the economic downfall there has been nothing but break-in after break-in, random people knocking on doors telling crazy stories, and real people telling quite possibly real stories. Here is where I've been jaded since moving out East. I'm on the threshold letting fear absorb my desire for generosity.

I don't think I blogged about the questions that these experiences have raised in me these past few months, that is, being victims of a break-in once, then a second attempt, being approached by a woman seemingly in need, helping her out, then her coming to our door at midnight, and then a new visitor tonight (last week). A young white male comes to our door at 1am needing a ride to Raleigh for what sounds like good reason. What in the world, do we have a sign that says..."Come and knock on my door" (Name that TV show theme song).

Where do I begin?

1.) I've been jaded by technology. As a member of our community list-serv I hear too much about what is going on in our neighborhood, including someone shining a light in a gal's window at 2am in the morning. Yes, she's our age (younger), lives alone, and yes, this was only 3 blocks away. So, as you can tell, I'm a little on edge.

2.) But the life we have chosen is costly (at times). And in this tension I'm reminded of this word, this ideal, this hope, this purpose that I live for, SHALOM (on earth as it is in heaven). That all would be made right, that all would be whole again (to put it in the most simplest terms). You've perhaps read my previous post(s) on Jeremiah 29 and seeking the shalom of the city or Isaiah 58. How am I seeking the shalom when I tell Zach to shut the door and send the young man on his way? Zach was ready to take him to Raleigh (despite being pulled out of his REM sleep). Bogus story or not, I'm talking about deeper tensions, not the practicalities of this particular situation.

3.) Alas, here I am. Bummed. Did I ask Zach to turn a man away who needed help. What about all those other men who knock on doors solely to case a house or get quick money. But really, who knocks on a door at 1am? Perhaps someone who really needed help, that's who.

Back to my statement, do we have a sign that says, "come and knock on my door"? I'd surely hope so - be it visual or spiritual! Our house is a place of peace, we long to be people of peace opening our doors to those in need, not just entertaining, but offering hospitality. If you were at our wedding, you heard the scripture.

This was one of 2 wedding scriptures we intentionally had spoken at our wedding and into our marriage. This is the home I long to create. I refuse to be muffled by fear, but must at the same times be wise I understand this. Pray for us. Pray we would be people of love, hope, patience, prayer, hospitality, blessing, comfort, peace, humility, and PEACE in this neighborhood.

~seeking shalom.

August 23, 2009


Dear Pacific Ocean,
I miss you.

(I don' think I took this one, but I touched it up)

~ jill.

August 22, 2009

todd & maria.

F.U.N. I had the privilege of shooting Todd and Maria this week. It was my first time properly shooting a couple, well second. I have so much to learn, but enjoyed every minute of my time with them. As you can see they're beautiful people and the site was truly a Gift. Here is just a glimpse or our time. ~ delighted.

August 21, 2009

come and knock on my door.

I've deleted this post. 
1.) I'm not ready to handle people's comments without a proper face to face discussion so as not to be misunderstood on either side. 
2.) I think the internal conflict I was trying to convey might have been missed. 
Instead I'll simply post the passage and truth we seek for our family, marriage and household. 

A reading from the book of Romans:
9Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. 10Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. 11Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.12Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. 13Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality.14Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. 15Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. 16Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.17Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. 18If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.

August 20, 2009

low flow way to go.

Okay, I may just be the only quirky person who posts such photos, but for all you lovers living on the left coast this is for you!! Here we are at our finest hour upholding our love for simplistic green living. That and we get up to $100 rebate from Durham County for installing a low-flow toilet. Here is our instant remodel of our bathroom in less than 24 hours. Oh, and we decided to repaint it as well. Bathroom finished...purchased fresh clean WHITE towels yesterday! Pictures of living room transformation and dining room re-transformation to follow!! ps. I don't think I touched up these photos...they're not my finest. ~flowin' green.

not so cute old faucet

incredibly inefficient/the loudest toilet you've ever encountered

Home Depot special...Low FLOW is the way to go! Notice the candle. Awkward.

My most amazing husband actually smiling whilst he scrubs the muck!


old toilet out, new toilet in.

yes, I'm handy with the tools...I am the one who brought a power drill and electric sander into the marriage you know.

love it!

tada! New walls too, just updated the brown.

August 18, 2009

here but not yet.

The Tension of our Milieu - Living the Kingdom Life Style in the Not-Yet Kingdom.

This was the first line of a rant of musings I scribbled down one day last year, I believe. I’ve edited it to correspond with my thoughts of today, the values I am wrestling with. Here goes, thoughts welcome.

Our environment that we live in, our milieu is one of privilege and access. It is one of choice. We have the choice to engage or not to engage.

"We have it so good, I've often said, which is true, but I always meant it in the material/physical sense. This is true. Or so I thought? What is the so good implying - wealth, security, or Gospel? That is for you to answer. Could those with little wealth and fleeting security have it better? Maybe they have the secret to the deepest joy. A joy that has been muted by success, technology, and “things” in our nation.

I will be the first to admit. I struggle. So much of me wants wants wants...comfort, security and nice things. Although, a year later I will say my wanting has subsided some, and I thank God for this. I want a beautiful house with timeless antiques, I want healthy children, I want financial security, I want good health care, I want good food, I want a different body...whatever, I want. I want comfort. Father Ben Beltran of Manila said it best, Jesus came to "afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted."

But why?

Isn't it ironic that when we spend our lives of behalf of the poor and marginalized...THEN we will be like a well-watered garden, then we will know God, then we will prosper. (Isa. 58, Jer. 22, and 29)

What about leftovers. I'm so prone to give my leftovers, keeping for me what is good and the crème of the crop if you will. For fear that if I give the good stuff...I'll be unsatisfied. Is that truth? Isn't it better to give than to receive?

It isn't wrong to want beautiful things. My fear is that my pursuit of beautiful things will supersede my pursuit of living the kingdom life.

The crème of the crop will come, the good stuff with come...the nice things will come - when we give of ourselves when we satisfy the needs of the hungry. And who knows in that process my idea of what is good, beautiful, and comfortable or 'nice' just might be transformed. I will stop lest I sound like a prosperity gospel.

I've been told what is beautiful and prosperous...infiltrated by the media of what is good and satisfying; inundated with images of beauty and success. What is beauty? That is the question. Is it a life that is like a well-watered garden? What is success? “Success is being faithful,” said
J. Fanous.

I'm wrestling. I'm okay with no answers. This is the tension we are always going to be living in. The tension of the now but not yet kingdom. (For more on this check out
Kingdom Come by Allen Wakabayashi)

We're exiles. God has brought us here. He says build
and live
, plant and eat, marry and reproduce. There is a command...but there is also the insinuation of provision. Like God is saying build and enjoy, plant and enjoy, marry and enjoy. And he adds, seek the shalom of the city!

We must remember to ENJOY. Isn’t it about enjoying God and enjoying others? The others are people God places before us. Enjoy them. I think I could do better at building, planting, and seeking shalom in this new place called Durham, North Carolina.


August 17, 2009

local talent.

I have to highlight a friend of ours, Corrie, check out her etsy shop. Her husband is in Div school with Z. She is a talented artist who has discovered her medium! She has a unique and refreshing style. Here is my current fav... ~express yourself


We don't know where we're going, but we know where we are. Above is a photo from our trip across country. I think this is somewhere between New Mexico and Texas.
Below is a snipit of a scripture I've been thinking about a lot lately. More reflections to come on it later.
We're building, we're planting, and some day reproducing...we're seeking the shalom of the city.
~Name that scripture!

August 15, 2009

fallen seeds.

My sweet friend Erika bought us the bird feeder I had my eyes on for months at Cost Plus World Market (known only as World Market here). Am I crazy or did we used to call it Cost Plus in California? Please enlighten me.

All that said, we finally bought some bird seed, thanks Ma. Our trick was to out smart the squirrels, and currently they're out smarting me! Twice now they have gnawed at the twine and torn down the hanging feeder. I wish I was aware enough to make some clever spiritual analogy to this predicament, but alas, it is what it is. I did manage to get some snaps of the lovely feeder before it landed on the ground. ~feeding the birds.

August 9, 2009


I've been thinking a lot this summer about what comes of out of my mouth. I'm known in my OT program for having no filter. I have this way of just saying or asking whatever comes to mind, seldom with malicious intent, rather mere curiosity. This is not necessarily a bad thing. However, there are those times when I can say a piercing word to those I love. Recently I saw what it looks like to hold your tongue, to think before you speak. It was unique and inspiring. Don't get me wrong, she had a mind and she had opinions, but she chose wisely when and how to share them. I'm not saying I don't believe in "free speech", but what is "free" speech? Freedom to say what we want? Yes, to some that is exactly it, and of course this is a thought upheld by our founding fathers. But my husband challenged me in church today with his sermon. To sum it up in just a few sentences (without giving his sermon full credit)...

He drew us into the near end of Ephesians (the end of 4 to 5:2, not fair right, as there is so much to Ephesians). Here Paul comes in with a BANG about how we should live, but it is preceded by Paul reminding us who God is, the radical work Jesus had done culturally and spiritually, and God's deep and profound love for us. And because of this, we respond to God, and Paul gives us some helpful hints as to what that response can look like.

One of those suggestions, if you can call it that was to 'not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouth, but only what is helpful for building of others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen' (v.29). There were other suggestions, but this one stuck out to me. He challenged us, what if we only spoke words that built one another up? What if we just tried for a day? Could we do it? What would our relationships look like? What would our heart look like?

But the point is this, we don't just do these things to do them or to "be right", we do them our of our response to God's love toward us - out of God's initiation with us - out of an intimate knowledge of our Lord. The beginning of the story is with God's love, the rest is in our response to that love. This is where the freedom comes in. We are truly freed when we can love one another, give to one another, speak to one another, forgive one another without needing anything in return - attention, forgiveness, kudos, gifts, etc... How freeing to know that God can take care of all of that, our anger, our sadness, our pain, our needs.

So, I don't just want to speak a language that only builds up, I want to have a heart that is filled with the love of God so much that it over flows sweet words out of my mouth, words that bless not curse. ~ building up

August 8, 2009

free abandon.

I want to live this free! ~ seeking liberation


Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. ~ mlk