August 15, 2009

fallen seeds.

My sweet friend Erika bought us the bird feeder I had my eyes on for months at Cost Plus World Market (known only as World Market here). Am I crazy or did we used to call it Cost Plus in California? Please enlighten me.

All that said, we finally bought some bird seed, thanks Ma. Our trick was to out smart the squirrels, and currently they're out smarting me! Twice now they have gnawed at the twine and torn down the hanging feeder. I wish I was aware enough to make some clever spiritual analogy to this predicament, but alas, it is what it is. I did manage to get some snaps of the lovely feeder before it landed on the ground. ~feeding the birds.


Emily said...

Cute bird feeder! And yes, we always called it Cost Plus, but I think they officially switched to World Market a while ago...I think.

jill. said...

hey what do you think about be posting my photos of kiddos? Is it a bad idea? Someone brought it to my attention and it has me thinking.


Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. ~ mlk