August 20, 2009

low flow way to go.

Okay, I may just be the only quirky person who posts such photos, but for all you lovers living on the left coast this is for you!! Here we are at our finest hour upholding our love for simplistic green living. That and we get up to $100 rebate from Durham County for installing a low-flow toilet. Here is our instant remodel of our bathroom in less than 24 hours. Oh, and we decided to repaint it as well. Bathroom finished...purchased fresh clean WHITE towels yesterday! Pictures of living room transformation and dining room re-transformation to follow!! ps. I don't think I touched up these photos...they're not my finest. ~flowin' green.

not so cute old faucet

incredibly inefficient/the loudest toilet you've ever encountered

Home Depot special...Low FLOW is the way to go! Notice the candle. Awkward.

My most amazing husband actually smiling whilst he scrubs the muck!


old toilet out, new toilet in.

yes, I'm handy with the tools...I am the one who brought a power drill and electric sander into the marriage you know.

love it!

tada! New walls too, just updated the brown.


Cherylann said...

great job. you are coming here next, right?

JeLisa said...

My mommie has that same faucet in her bathroom. :)

I wish mine was as pretty!


Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. ~ mlk